Sales Employee of the Year

Category open to: Business Development Managers, Sales Managers

To qualify for nomination the employee must be:

  • Been employed for no less than six months prior to nomination.
  • Be nominated by his/her employer.
  • Available for an online interview.

JUDGING: Review of the employee’s resume, coupled with an online interview.


Documents required for submission:

  • A written statement from employer detailing why this employee is being nominated (500 words.)
  • Nominee's resume including current qualifications, training courses attended, awards gained.
  • Headshot of the nominee on a white backdrop or in their work environment. We like to see smiles!
  • Optional extras: Accompanying documents such as guest comments, references, articles or certificates.

Judges will be assessing the following points:

  • Self-presentation, personality and professional attitude.
  • Demonstrated knowledge, expertise, interest, involvement and ambitions in the hotel industry.
  • Examples of hotel education, formal and informal learning and development.
  • Employee portfolio (e.g., photographs, personal job-related awards, depth and breadth of experience etc).
  • Contribution back to the community or industry.
  • Diversity in work history and experience.


Accommodation Awards

Hotels can only nominate in one accommodation specific category (e.g. Deluxe Accommodation Hotel of the Year) per venue.

Cost: $160 + Reimbursement to cover the cost of anonymous property judging.

Onsite Offering Awards

Hotels can make multiple nominations in the Onsite Offering Awards categories (e.g. Deluxe Restaurant of the Year, Hotel Bar of the Year, Hotel Club Lounge and Hotel Spa of the Year).

Cost: $160 + Reimbursement to cover the cost of anonymous property judging.