Revenue Management Employee of the Year

Category open to: Revenue Manager, Reservations, Operations, Rooms Division, Executive Assistant Manager

JUDGING: Assessment of written criteria.


Documents required for submission

  • Written submission, in the form of a bullet point summary of the nominee's achievements relating to successful revenue management over the past two calendar years.
  • A copy of the nominee’s resume
  • *Please note all references to financial results will be held with the strictest of confidence and can be provided in percentage growth and indices.*             

Judges will assess the following points:


  • Key components of the revenue management role include the need to share knowledge relating to areas of pricing, inventory and channel management, information technology, forecasting, human resources and consumer.
  • Provide evidence of research and planning to achieve your property's Revenue Management Strategy in the short, medium and long term.

Knowledge and performance

  • What have you done to improve their knowledge and performance as a revenue manager last year?
  • What activities have you undertaken to remain familiar with market trends and their impact on your hotel operation – for example, attendance at the Hotel Market Update and Economic Outlook forum?


  • Provide evidence of the financial results in market share growth for 2018-2023 (for example, as measured by STR Global performance or other statistics such as channel distribution).
  • Demonstrate how you have integrated a total revenue management approach and awareness across the hotel, for example, in areas such as the front office and food and beverage operations.
  • Describe what you were trying to achieve; what other areas of the hotel were involved; how you executed it; what the results were, and how you measured success, for example, ROI.

The future

  • In your opinion, how will the role of 'Revenue Manager' change over the next 3-5 years? Include what you see as the main drivers of these changes. What do you think will be the impact on the industry?

Supporting documents

  • Revenue Strategy
  • Financial Results (2019-2024)
  • Market share results (2019-2024)


Accommodation Awards

Hotels can only nominate in one accommodation specific category (e.g. Deluxe Accommodation Hotel of the Year) per venue.

Cost: $160 + Reimbursement to cover the cost of anonymous property judging.

Onsite Offering Awards

Hotels can make multiple nominations in the Onsite Offering Awards categories (e.g. Deluxe Restaurant of the Year, Hotel Bar of the Year, Hotel Club Lounge and Hotel Spa of the Year).

Cost: $160 + Reimbursement to cover the cost of anonymous property judging.